englische Grammatik seite

Das Verb "have got"

Das Verb "haben"  hat auf Englisch in der Gegenwart zwei Formen

I, you, we, they have ODER have got - informeller
she, he, it has
ODER has got - formeller

Mehr lernen über die Form "have/has", klicke hier.

have got a brother. - Ich habe ein Bruder.
We have got no time. - Wir haben keine Zeit.
She has got brown eyes. - Sie hat braune Augen.

Aussagen (Statements)

Alle Formen

I have got - I've got - ich habe
you have got - you've got - du hast
he has got - he's got- er hat
she has got - she's got - sie hat
it has got - it's got - est hat
we have got - we've got - wir haben
you have got - you've got - ihr habt
they have got - they've got - sie haben

Fragen (Questions)

"Ja" oder "Nein" Fragen

Have I got a brother? - Habe ich ein Bruder?
Have you got a brother? - Hast du ein Bruder?
Has he got a brother? - Hat er ein Bruder?
Has she got a brother? - Hat sie ein Bruder?
Has it got a brother? - Hat es ein Bruder?
Have we got brothers? - Haben wir Brüder?
Have you got brothers? - Habt ihr Brüder?
Have they got brothers? - Haben sie Brüder?

Wir fragen nicht:

Have you a brother?
Have we time?
Has she brown eyes?


Kurze Antworten

Yes, I have.
Yes, you have.
Yes, he has.
Yes, she has.
Yes, it has.
Yes, we have.
Yes, you have.
Yes, they have.

No, I haven't.
No, you haven't.
No, he hasn't.
No, she hasn't.
No, it hasn't.
No, we haven't.
No, you haven't.
No, they haven't.

W-Fragen - WH Questions


What has he got? - Was hat er?

Wir sagen nicht:

What has he?
What have you?


When (wann) 
Who (wer)
Why (warum)
How (wie)

What have I got?
What have
you got?
What has he got?
What has she got?
What has it got?
What have we got?
What have you got?
What have they got?

Verneinungen (Negative Forms)

Die verneinte Form des Verbes "have" wird mit "not" gebildet. Beim Sprechen verwendest du so-genannte Abkürzungen "not" wird zu "n't".

have + not + got - haven't got
has + not + got - hasn't got


haven't got a brother. - Ich habe keinen Bruder.
We haven't got time. - Wir haben keine Zeit.
She hasn't got a child. - Sie hat kein Kind.

Alle Formen

I haven't got
you haven't got
he hasn't got
she hasn't got
it hasn't got
we haven't got
you haven't got
they haven't got

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