englische Grammatik seite

Das Verb "be" im Englischen

Das Verb be hat im Englischen acht verschiedene Formen: be, am, is, are, was, were, being, been.
Es ist das erste Verb, das du wahrscheinlich lernen wirst.

Das Verb be hat im Present Simple drei Formen:

I am
you, we, they are
he, she, it is

I am happy.
You are busy.
He is popular. 

Das Verb be in Aussagen (Statements)

I am - I'm - ich bin
you are - you're - du bist
he is - he's - er ist
she is - she's - sie ist
it is - it's - es ist
we are - we're - wir sind
you are - you're - ihr seid
they are - they're - sie sind

Beim Sprechen oder informellen Schreiben wird oft die Kurzform gebraucht.

I'm Molly. - Ich bin Molly.
You're at home. - Du bist zu Hause.
It's cold. - Es ist kalt.

Klicke hier um die weitere Beispiele des Verbes be zu sehen.
Klicke hier für das Verb be im Past Simple.
Klicke hier für andere Zeitformen des Verbes be.

Das Verb be - Verwendung (Use)

Das Verb be wird in vielen Sätzen als Hauptverb verwendet, um

1. Sich vorzustellen
  My name is Mary.
  I am 18 years old.
  This is my brother.
  I am a student.
  I am from Vienna.
My telephone number is 12345678.

2. Menchen und Dinge zu beschreiben
  Mary is tall.
  The table is made of wood.
  It is big.
  The curtains are navy blue.

3. Über das Wetter zu sprechen
  What is the weather like today?
  It is sunny. It is windy. It is rainy.

4. Über Gefühle und Zustände zu sprechen
  He is tired.
  She is happy.
  Are you hungry?
  The boy is not able to run so fast.
  I am interested in chemistry.
  You are busy.

5. Über die Zeit zu sprechen
  What day is today?
  What time is it?
  It is half past eight.
  Today is Monday.
  It is late.
  It is early.

6. Nach dem Preis zu fragen
  How much is it? (T-shirt)
  It is 9 euros.
  How much are they? (jeans)
  They are 25 euros.

Das Verb be in Fragen (Questions)

"Ja-Nein" Fragen mit "Ja" Antworten

Am I at home? - Yes, I am.
Are you at home? - Yes, you are.
Is he at home? - Yes, he is.
Is she at home? - Yes, she is.
Is it at home? - Yes, it is.
Are we at home? - Yes, we are.
Are you at home? - Yes, you are.
Are they at home? - Yes, they are.

"Ja-Nein" Fragen mit "Nein" Antworten
und Abkürzungsformen

Am I at home? - No, I am not. - No, I'm not.
Are you at home? - No, you are not. - No, you aren't.
Is he at home? - No, he is not. - No, he isn't.
Is she at home? - No, she is not. - No, she isn't.
Is it at home? - No, it is not. - No, it isn't.
Are we at home? - No, we are not. - No, we aren't.
Are you at home? - No, you are not. - No, you aren't.
Are they at home? - No, they are not. - No, they aren't.

Das Verb be in W-Fragen (WH Questions)

W-Fragen verwendet man, wenn du mehr Informationen brauchst. Sie beginnen mit den folgenden Wörtern:

What - Was
Where - Wo
When - Wann
Who - Wer
Why - Warum

Who am I? - Wer bin ich?
Where are you? - Wo bist du?
is he? - Wer ist er?
Who is she? - Wer ist sie?
What is it? - Was ist es?
Why are we here? - Warum sind wir hier?
Why are you here? - Warum seid ihr hier?
Who are they? - Wer sind Sie?

Verneinungen (Negative Forms)

Verneinungen werdem mit dem Wort not gebildet.

am + not - 'm not
are + not - aren't
is + not - isn't

Beim Sprechen oder informellen Schreiben wird oft die Kurzform gebraucht.

  I'm not Molly. - Ich bin nicht Molly.
  You aren't at home. - Du bist nicht zu Hause.
  It isn't cold. - Es ist nicht kalt.

Alle Formen mit Abkürzungen

I am not - I'm not
you are not - you aren't
he is not - he isn't
she is not - she isn't
it is not - it isn't
we are not - we aren't
you are not - you aren't
they are not - they aren't

Das Verb be - There is oder There are

Der Ausdruck "There is/There are" wird verwendet um mitzuteilen, dass etwas vorhanden ist.


There is a tree in the garden.
Is there a tree in the garden?
Yes, there is.
No, there isn't.
There isn't a tree in the garden.


There are trees in the garden.
Are there trees in the garden?
Yes, there are.
No, there aren't.
There are no trees in the garden.
There aren't any trees in the garden.